Keegan-Michael Key & Loni Love to host voter registration event in Detroit

Former first lady Michelle Obama is back on the campaign trail as part of her “When We All Vote” initiative, encouraging people that change doesn't only happen with instagram filters. 

“In 2016, the average length of time voters waited in line at a polling place was about 11 minutes,” she said. “Just 11 minutes, and that’s an average. Some places it was even shorter than that. You spend 11 minutes on your phone watching videos on a given day. You spend 11 minutes choosing the Instagram filters to text your boo.” 

Midterm elections usually generate lower voter turnout than presidential elections.  Entertainers, athletes, and business corporations have teamed up, using their platforms to reach voters, and encourage them to be apart of the process. 

Beyoncé has also joined the forces by setting-up kiosk so fan's can register to vote at her On The Run II Tour. High school students can even register from their classrooms, and shoppers can register at a participating retailers. 

Join Keegan-Michael Key and Loni Love for a Week of Action event in Detroit to celebrate the most important rights and responsibilities of our democracy: registering to vote and casting a ballot.

From September 22nd to September 29th, When We All Vote will be hosting events in cities and towns across the U.S. as part of our #WhenWeAllVote Week of Action. Keegan-Michael Key and Loni Love has teamed-up to get voters fired up before this upcoming Election Day in Detroit. 

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