EMU students to Walk for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness

Each year in the United States, approximately 1,100 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die by suicide. The stigma surrounding mental illness has been cited as a major reason why students don’t seek the help they need.

Members of the Eastern Michigan University campus community are taking strides for suicide prevention and mental health awareness during the second annual SAFE Now Walk for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness, to be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Friday, October 5 on the EMU campus.

The "Out of Darkness Community Walk," takes place at 4 p.m. around the lakes adjoining Bob's Lakehouse next to the EMU Student Center. The walk is organized through the university's suicide prevention grant, partnering with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Participants can register onsite before the walk begins. Starting time is 4 p.m. at Bob's Lakehouse on the EMU campus.

 “We will be walking to increase awareness surrounding suicide prevention, to reduce the stigma and fear around mental illness, and to remind those suffering that someone cares,” said Ellen Gold, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Eastern.

Anyone interested in volunteering or wanting more information should contact Tanya McCune, the SAFE Now Walk Coordinator at tmccune@emich.edu.

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