Noah Strong

At 5:09 am on July 9, 2019 I got the call from Cody that Noah got his Angel wings. I cried myself back to sleep. I’m SO sad that my hero Noah has gone home but glad to know the pain is gone.

Noah Gochanourwas was the little brother I never had. To think such a young soul could teach me so much is almost unbelievable. He taught me to appreciate life everyday and to live it to the fullest. He inspired me to fight when I’m feeling low. We got to do so much together in short amount of time. I will never forget every moment we shared from being on stage at the Big Show, scary movies, having you in the studio, talking music and artist I’ve met and, so much more.

Yes I’m crying my bush off and he would be mad that I am & laughing at me but, for every tear I ahead its turning into a⚡️#thunderbolt for you buddy.

Sara Marie, my family & friends are praying for you, your family, and everyone that Noah touched!

#NoahStrong #ThunderboltsCrew for ever!

To donate to the family to help with final expenses: Noah Strong

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