Kroger will be hosting our 1st EVER motorcycle ride to Ride Out Hungerin our communities in support of ZERO HUNGER ZERO WASTE! We will be partnering MotorCity Harley Davidson and all proceeds raised will benefit Gleaners Community Food Bank! The Ride will take place on Saturday June 23, 2018! Our President Scott Hays will be leading this amazing event and we cannot wait to have everyone join us!
Registration will be from 11am-1pm (Kickstands up by 1pm) at the MotorCity Harley Davidson Brighton Location (5942 Whitmore Lake Rd. Brighton, MI 48116). This is a Poker Run stopping at 5 different Kroger locations along the way to retrieve a Poker Card. Whoever had the best hand at end of ride will win a prize. Maps and Locations will be given at registration. All Riders must be back by 4:00pm sharp to the ending location to qualify for the Poker Run Prize. The Ending location will be at the Farmington Hills MotorCity Harley Davidson (24800 Haggerty Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48335) for a huge parking lot party! There will be music, food, drinks, and lots of fun!
Pre-Registration Cost: $20 per Bike plus $10 for an additional rider. ($25 Tickets DAY OF)Please Sign-Up with the link below.
If you are not a motorcycle enthusiast and would still like to join us for Food & Fun, We are asking for a donation upon arrival of $5. The Parking Lot Party will begin at 1pm and end at 6pm.