Dr Darrius

Dr Darrius

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Meijer drops $750K gift to Detroit PAL

Detroit PAL officially announced Meijer as the presenting sponsor of the Willie Horton Field of Dreams with a $750,000 gift. 

The Willie Horton Field of Dreams presented by Meijer will allow kids from Detroit and the surrounding communities to play diamond sports, football, soccer and more at the new headquarters and stadium at the site where Tiger Stadium used to stand.

“Detroit PAL is very excited to announce the Willie Horton Field of Dreams, presented by Meijer,” said Detroit PAL CEO Tim Richey. “Meijer’s commitment to youth sports is making a difference all over the Midwest and we are proud work with them to get kids playing at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull.”

Kids At The Corner Campaign

What if you were given the chance to better the life of a young child in Detroit… Would you take it?

Detroit Police Athletic League, one of the most successful youth mentorship and sports programs for over 40 years in Detroit, has a plan to:

  • Expand its programs and organization into more Detroit communities
  • Redevelop the historic site of old Tiger Stadium into a safe and healthy playing field and permanent headquarters for Detroit PAL
  • Positively influence and develop a new generation of leaders for Detroit

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