Tobias Harris' Mentorship Program stops by Osborn high school

As a part of January being “National Mentoring Month”, the Detroit Pistons partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit to introduce an interactive day of engaging activities. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit discussed the theme of “Forging a Plan” and the importance of having a mentor to help guide youth along the path of their goals and dreams. Youth (grades 6th – 12th) from BBBS and Tobias’ mentoring program engaged in (5) various activities centered around M.E.N.T.O.R. (motivated, explorative, nurturing, trustworthy, optimistic and reflection).

Activities will incorporate three major learning styles: auditory, kinesthetic and visual learning. Each activity will be facilitated by a BBBSMD team lead with the assistance of one BIG Mentor (Tobias, Earl Cureton, Dr. Darrius, and Hooper). 

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