Nicki Minaj's 'Single-Life' Helped Her Get Back To Music

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In a new interview with Elle magazine, Nicki Minaj says being single helped her get back to music. True, a relationship can pull you in so many directions, especially when the universe is all-up-in ya business.

Elle wrote:

“I remember feeling like I could do anything at one time in my life,” she says, “and somewhere along the line, I just started second guessing myself, for whatever reason.” That all ended when she started learning how to sleep alone. “As soon as I realized that I could actually live and breathe, and eat and sleep, and walk and talk without having a boyfriend, something clicked in me.”

“Becoming single,” she goes on, “was one of the things that made me feel strong and powerful. The fact that I am a young woman who doesn’t need a man for money. I don’t need a man for a job. I’ve never had to f*ck for beats. I’ve never had to f*ck for a record deal. I don’t have those pressures. I get up when I want, shop when I want.”

Check out the full interview here.

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