27 People Arrested during 'Christmas In July' at Put-in-Bay

Put-in-bay law officer directing traffic for go-carts and service vehicles.

Law enforcement were well-prepared for an estimated 35,000 tourists who visited Put-in-Bay for the island's annual "Christmas in July" festivities this past weekend.  A team of more than 100 officers was formed to provide additional support for the expected crowd of visitors.  

The Allied Bay Law Enforcement Team, or ABLE Team, coordinated by the Put-in-Bay Police Department, consisted of officers from seven local, state and federal agencies, including the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office, Ohio Highway Patrol, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Police radio monitoring revealed incidents involving public urination, marijuana possession, head-on automobile crashes and more.

According to the Put-in-Bay Police Department, a total of 27 people were arrested during “Christmas in July” weekend - mostly for various misdemeanor offenses, including assault and persistent disorderly conduct.

In addition to the arrests, 75 citations were issued for minor misdemeanors. 36 people were charged with operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As a boater and participant of the weekend's festivities, I didn't mind the heavy police presence.  At the end of the day, they're just doing they're job. Protecting the residents property, and ensuring all visitors enjoy the island responsibly.

Put-in-bay law officer breaking up a golf-cart traffic jam

Did Detroit Steal Christmas in July?


In the beloved children's tale by Dr. Seuss, the green Grinch decided to ruin Christmas for the cheery citizens of Whoville. The Grinch comes down from his mountaintop home and sneaks into town to swipe everything holiday-related from the Whos. Did Detroit steal Christmas in July weekend? 

According to Put-In-Bay news outlet, “Christmas in July” is no longer an officially sanctioned event recognized by the Chamber of Commerce at Put-In-Bay.  More

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