Rihanna, promoting her Savage x Fenty holiday collection on Black Friday, posted a naughty Christmas promo pic via her instagram social. Ex-boyfriend Chris Brown dropped a "flushed" emoji under RiRi's pic laying topless on a bed wearing red lingerie with the word "Naughty" written across its black band, along with black stilettos, stockings, and suspenders to top off her red-hot look.
Fans reacted with comments of their own:
@chrisbrownofficial gtfo here
@chrisbrownofficial STAY AWAY FROM HERRRRRR
Yall sitting here hating on Chris Brown. Do yall have anything else better to do then worry bout ehat he is doing like fr yall really aggravate me with this shit. Whenever i bring up Chris Brown people always say "woman beater" or "dangerous psycho" y'all siyting here judging chris brown on his past when y'all are not focusing on how much of a good person he actually is. He is a man who is going to concerts,making music,and still providing for his child while there are dads out there who dont give any fucks bout there children. If Rihanna has a problem with Chris Brown commenting on her shit there is something called blocking him but since she didnt she clearly doesnt mind it. The Chris Brown y'all see as a woman beater and psycho i still see as a talented,gifted,amazing,caring person that i grew up listening to and i call my dream dad even though it will never happen lml. But for real if y'all got a problem with Chris Brown y'all can just be Mature and hop off of his back and pay no attention to its that simple. Keep being you @chrisbrownofficialand keep being breezy