50 Cent took to IG to premiere the trailer for the BMF series, which is slated to debut on the Starz network September 26th. In the trailer, Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory, who is played by his son Lil Meech, along with his brother Terry “Southwest T” Flenory launch their drug trade operation which expanded the Black Mafia Family into one of the largest drug empires ever in the United States.
Detroit rapper/actress Arkeisha "Kash Doll" Knight will also join the cast as a recurring character, playing a paralegal for the biggest defense attorney in Detroit.
The upcoming Black Mafia Family series is an upcoming drug trafficking drama based on the true story of two brothers who rose from the streets of southwest Detroit in the 1980s to becoming one of the most powerful crime families in America. The show will focus on brothers Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory and Terry “Southwest T” Flenory, who took their vision beyond the drug trade and into the business of hip-hop. The series, according to Starz, will tell a story about love, family, and capitalism in America.
Randy Huggins from Power and Star will write the script and executive produce the series alongside 50 Cent and his G-Unit Film and TV production company.
“This is a project Curtis has always been incredibly passionate about and we are excited to have him as our partner in bringing it to life,” Starz CEO Jeffrey Hirsch said. “Black Mafia Family has all the hallmarks of a great drama, from the larger-than-life Flenory brothers to the deadly, high-stakes world they inhabited. This series is going to be an incredible ride for audiences around the world.”
Can't wait to see this!