What To Order At The Best Donut Shop In Michigan

donuts in multicolored glaze close-up

Photo: Getty Images

There's nothing better than walking into a fancy donut shop and seeing rows upon rows of creative confections. You've got the option of stuffed or slathered, fried or baked, sprinkled or spiced. But when the options for beautiful sweet treats seem endless, it can be hard to decide which donut to chose. That's where we come in.

Eat This, Not That worked with Yelp to compile a list of all the best donut shops across the United States. They named Avon Donuts Inc in Pontiac as the best place to get a donut in Michigan. They also suggested ordering the strawberry glaze donut with fresh strawberries on top. Here's what they had to say about it:

Lemon Drop, Mint Patty, Maple Bacon, oh my! If any of these flavors sound appealing to you, then Avon Donuts is the place for you. And if you're more of a classic fan? Snag a strawberry glazed donut with fresh strawberries to top it off.

So treat yourself to a roadtrip to the best deluxe donut shop in your state — or perhaps just walk around the corner to it. And when you're ready for more, check out the full list of all the best donut shops in America here.

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