Visit The Best Fair In Michigan

Ticket counter at county faire

Photo: Getty Images

Fairs and festivals are hallmarks of the summer time. There's just something about washing down funnel cake with one of the largest cups of lemonade in human history while you wait in line for the ferris wheel that makes everything feel better. And while most people are just a stone's throw away from a fair at any given time, there is always one that stands out among all the rest.

Reader's Digest compiled a list of all the best fairs from each state in the U.S. They named the Michigan State Fair as the best fair in the state. Here's what they had to say about it:

The Michigan State Fair is a five-day event that, in 2018, took place August 30 through September 3, and it’s got everything you’d expect in a state fair, from butter cows to the birthing of baby pigs, livestock competitions, and fried food galore. But we have to be honest here and admit that since it’s a state fair, it can’t possibly accord adequate time and focus to the fact that Michigan is the Baby Food Capital of the World. That’s right. It is. The Gerber Products Company is based in Fremont, which is also the home of the National Baby Food Festival, which happened from July 18 through 21, 2018. This is the cheapest month of the year to visit every state in America.

This year, the Michigan State fair takes place on July 26 through 30. Grab your tickets here.

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