This Is Michigan’s Best Comfort Food

Cherry Pie And Fresh Organic Cherries

Photo: Getty Images

America is a nation of comfort foods. Everyone has their own idea of a perfect meal —Something that makes them feel happier with each bite after a long day. Those favorite meals are often determined, at least in part, by where you live. In the spirit of determining which comfort foods reign supreme, Comfortable Table compiled a list of the best of the best in each state.

So, what's Michigan's best comfort food? Tart Cherry Pie. Here's what Comfortable Table had to say about them:

"Michigan is the biggest producer of the Montmorency tart cherries, and it's reflected in their famous tart cherry pies. The tart Michigan cherry pie is the food of comfort for its residents. Depending on the flavors you want, its ingredients will include brown sugar, vanilla ice cream, oats, lemon juice, and a host of others. Bake for over an hour, and you're ready for deliciousness."

For the perfect cheery pie, we suggest checking out Achatz Handmade Pie Co. They offer four different cherry pies with freshly grown Michigan cherries. And if you plan on traveling across the United States, check out Comfortable Table's list of the best American comfort foods so you never have to go without a little piece of heaven.

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