According to CNBC, when the gunman started shooting with an AR-15 at South Florida. 17 souls were lost from students to school workers. Instead of talking about the shooter, meet a true life hero who gave up his life to save others. His name is Aaron Feis. Assistant football coach Aaron Feis was sadly shot to death while he was shielding students from bullets.
The team website said Feis spent his entire coaching career at Marjory Stoneman. According to The Sun Sentinel Feis was acting as a school security guard when he responded to the call. Someone asked if the loud noise they heard were firecrackers. A person said that "I heard Aaron say, 'No, that is not firecrackers.' and that was the last they heard him.
Aaron used his body to protect others and as he saved lives he sadly lost his. Let's all remember Aaron as the hero he was for putting others before himself.